Wednesday, February 8, 2017

One page notes on surf and fashion EXTRA CREDIT

  • Whether the content is breaking news, fine art, or just a photo carrying emotion, it truly is a fascinating method of communication across all of humanity
  • Photography is a universal language. While English is becoming global, it’s also greatly diminished by the shorthand nature of social media
  • Whereas a photo, like the old adage proclaims, can truly speak a thousand words
  • You need to have emotion when you're doing a photoshoot
  • The style of general photography in New York and general photography in Los Angeles is completely different
  • that as long as a photo is a beautiful thing and evokes some sort of emotional response from someone, it should be different when it comes from a different place
  • When you’re walking down the street in New York City, it is a pretty hard place that’s very exposed and very open to everybody, in this really tight, condensed thing
  • People can get lost in big cities — ground down by the hustle. But they’re are also a breeding ground for artists and creatives of all types
  • The places you live can influence your art and the direction that you start to take with something

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